Product information

Product Description
Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase (Antibody modification)is a heat-resistant DNA polymerase derived from Thermus aquaticus YT-1.
The enzyme has 5’→3′ polymerase activity and double-strand specificity 5 ‘→ 3’exonuclease activity. The enzyme uses antibody modification to block low temperature and room temperature enzyme activity. After thermal activation at 95°C, the antibody falls off to release the enzyme activity. Before the amplification system is formulated to PCR amplification, non-specific amplification due to primer mismatch will not occur, which minimizes the formation of non-specific amplification and primer dimers, and improves the sensitivity and specificity of amplification.
The product uses a specially optimized reaction buffer, and HzymesAccu AM Hot Start Taq DNA Polymerase to make a pre-mixed reagent, which maximizes the stability of the enzyme during storage. Only the primer-template and water are added before configuring the system, which greatly simplifies The preparation steps.
Product components
Transportation And Storage Methods
≤0℃ for transportation; -20℃ for storage.
Unit definition
Using activated salmon sperm DNA as a template/primer, the activity of ingesting 10 nmol of total nucleotides as acid-insoluble at 74°C in 30 min is defined as 1 activity unit (U).
Quality Control
- Endonuclease residue detection: 4 μg pUC19 DNA is added to this reagent and incubated at 37 ℃ for 4 h, the electrophoresis band of the DNA does not change.
- 5 kb λDNA amplification detection: After 25 cycles of amplification with 5 ng λDNA as a template, agarose gel electrophoresis shows a single specific 5 kb band.
- Exonuclease detection: add 1μM 5′-FAMlabeled oligonucleotide to 20μL reaction system, and incubate at 37°C for 30min without degradation signal.
- Heat inactivation: None detected • Storage stability: Repeated freezing and thawing of this reagent 50 times, the amplification performance will not decrease.
Reaction System

Reaction Program

a: The pre-denaturation time for common templates is 1 min, the recommended time for difficult templates is 2-3 min, and the colony PCR pre-denaturation time is recommended to be 5 min.
b: The recommended annealing time is 15-60s. The annealing temperature is generally determined at 45-68℃ according to the Tm of the primer, and it is generally set to be 3-5℃ lower than the Tm of the primer.